How to promote “Ask the President” on Twitter

Ask the President launches Thursday

Ask the President‘s site is up and running!  The idea’s simple: people can submit questions and vote on which ones they’d like to see answered at a White House press conference.  Ari Melber’s The People’s Press Conference in The Nation has details; other partners include the Washington Times and Personal Democracy Forum.

If you think it’s a good idea, here are a few ways you can hep get the word out on Twitter.

1. Tweet about it the site going live — and include its URL.  For example:

@AskThePresident is live!  Could be the biggest thing since sliced bread!!!!!! #askpres

If this looks like gibberish (my friends often say it looks like I’m tweeting in tongues), the tinyurl is a short version of the site name, and the #askpres at the end is a hashtag to make it easy to see all the tweets about Ask the President.

2. Tweet about questions you like — and include a link. For example:

Mr President, How will you follow through on your promise to help the people of Darfur? #askthepres

The easiest way to do this is to click on the Retweet This button on each question.  It’s a little hard to see — almost at the bottom of the question, right below the “share this” — but well worth finding.  It brings up a tab with Twitter’s hope page, the shortened URL, and the hashtag; you’ll have to provide the rest of the text.

Also consider including other hashtags you think might be interested: #tcot for conservatives, #topprog for progressives, #gov20 for “government 2.0”, #green for sustainability-related questions, and so on.

3. Recommend @AskThePresident on #followfriday.  If you’re not already participating in #followfriday, it’s just what it sounds like: every Friday, people on Twitter send tweets suggesting who they think others should follow.*  Join in!  For example,

#followfriday: @AskThePresident and #askpres for “The People’s Press Conference”

@BarackObama: please add @AskThePresident to your #followfriday list! #askpres

4. When you see others tweeting about #askpres, retweet liberally — or conservatively, depending on your politics 🙂 And if you’re wirting or blogging about it, make sure to include the #askpres tag when you tweet.

Other suggestions? Please leave them in the comments!



PS: For more about the thinking behind these recommendations, please see Launching “Ask The President” on Twitter. Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on that post!

* Micah Baldwin’s #FollowFriday: The anatomy of a trend on Mashable has more.