Coverage for ‘How to respond when Facebook censors your political speech’

censored, from .mws flickr photostream, used under a creative commons licenseThe two-part series I posted on Tales from the Net and Wired’s How-to Wiki is starting to get some coverage.

Shai Sachs has an excellent piece on MyDD:

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about Facebook “censorship” of free speech. The Blackadder One case I wrote about a couple weeks ago was just an early warning sign of more trouble to come. Recently Jon Pincus has been posting a series of diaries at Tales from the Net and Liminal States about his encounter with problems very similar to those Derek Blackadder ran into when he tried to organize workers on Facebook. Pincus’s posts include a very good trail of documentation of the problems he’s encountering, which make this series one of the more interesting resources on Facebook censorship I’ve seen.

And Elise Ackerman and John Boudreau phrase it nicely in in the San Jose Mercury News’ Tech Notebook:

What is the difference between a Barack Obama supporter and a spammer?

According to Facebook, it can be as little as two “get out the vote” wall posts on a Web page maintained by the popular social-networking site.

That’s what Jon Pincus, a Seattle-based technologist, discovered when he posted information for Hawaiian and Wisconsin voters earlier this week on Obama’s Facebook Web page.

Thanks once again to all those who helped with this!


PS: image from .mw on flickr, found via Creative Commons search. Thanks, .mw and CC!