
What would it mean if women were paid as much as men? (DRAFT)

Draft! Please do not link here!

Update, April 20: Rrevised version has been posted on Qworky’s blog, Better Software/Better World

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social sciences

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Rant: I still hate software (DRAFT)

Draft!  Work in progress! Feedback welcome!

Revised version intended for Qworky’s blog Better Software/Better World

If you’ve got any examples of or stories about software you hate, please leave them in the comments!

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DRAFT: Want to make meetings better? Qworky is recruiting for a diverse open source project!

Update, December 17:  Thanks to all for the excellent feedback, here and in email!

I’ll be splitting this into two posts, which will appear on the Qworky blog

Thanks also to those who expressed interest … if you’d like to get involved, stay tuned — or get in touch via the contact information at the bottom of the post.

As a company we view diversity as a vital ingredient to sustained business success.  We value unique perspectives and traditionally under-represented viewpoints in the software design process. We welcome collaborators from every walk of life. We welcome people of any gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, experience level, discipline, educational background, culture, and political opinion.

— Qworky’s draft diversity statement
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Help us choose Qworky’s logo!

Which of the three options for the Qworky logo  would you be most likely to try out yourself?

Which would you be most likely to recommend to a friend?

Please help us out by taking this 60 second survey!



PS: and thanks to Joanne as well for the great work on logo design!


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Qworky: the adventure begins!

Welcome to Qworky!

Pardon our construction, we’re busy designing software to revolutionize the way people work together.

Software doesn’t have to suck. Instead, it should fit in smoothly with your work life — and make you more efficient so that you can get your weekends back. By listening to you and focusing on your needs as an end user, and working closely with a diverse community throughout the design process, we’ll build products that work with how people get their jobs done today.

the Qworky web site

The startup I’ve been hinting at for the last couple months finally has a name. w00t! We’re at a very early stage: just starting the research phase for Qworky Meetings, the codename for our first product. In parallel, we’re working on creating our community, deciding on our technology base, putting together a business plan, and developing our strategies.

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