Should we have to give up our freedom and privacy in to reap the benefits of a constant connection to friends and information? How do we take advantage of the power of computers to improve freedom and privacy online and off?
– From the CFP 2010 Call for Participation
Let’s find out, shall we?
I’ve got blog posts coming out today on the CFP blog, Pam’s House Blend, and hopefully Google’s Public Policy blog and a Microsoft blog as well … so I don’t have much to add to that. On a more personal level, here’s what I said a couple of years ago
If it seems like CFP means a lot to me, it does: I’ve been going there for over 10 years; my SO Deborah Pierce has been going even longer and chaired it in 2005. I’ve volunteered, asked questions, been on a panel, run a couple of BoFs, and taken photos of Deborah during the various sessions she’s appeared in or moderated. There are lots of friends and long-term acquaintances we only get to see in person at CFP — and every year we met a lot of new people.
Chairing a conference is a huge amount of work — even with all the help from co-chairs Sigurd Meldal and Dorothy Glancy, and the great work from the volunteers on the planning team and at San Jose State. Deborah and I were having dinner last night looking forward to getting our lives back.   Still, it’s worth it. It’s a great program and we’re webcasting a lot of the sessions. And who knows, but the Social Network Users’ Bill of Rights (aka #BillOfRights) has a chance to take off. Exciting times.
See you at!