CNN’s Peter-Sorel Cameron asks the sixty-four thousand dollar question and really goes out on a limb with his conclusion: “No one really knows what to expect, apart from three legends of heavy rock playing some of the best music in the genre.”  Headline numbers include the 11,000,000 people signed up for a chance for tickets, and average age of band-members: 61 ,
still less than the Stones’ mean age [his term not mine] of 63.25 and Dylan’s “turning 67 in 2008”.
{ 2007 12 10 }
jon | 12-Dec-07 at 11:52 pm | Permalink
Somebody I know who was there said it was *fantastic*, and according to Rolling Stone, they rocked.
Y’know, maybe instead of giving up listening to music with lyrics in it the way I did back in 2001, what I really should have done was to give up reading about music with lyrics in it.