Tonight’s the Atrium’s official opening night, with DJ Anomaly headlining. The venue’s really taken shape over the last few months and it’s been great to be a part of it.  There’s so much to like about it, including the way the lighting makes everybody look good. Four friends drove up from California, reminding us of other good times with friends coming to town for shows. The weather’s great in Seattle this weekend, too, so it should be a great night.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks, working on qweries‘ next prototype, cleaning up around the house, and looking forward to Startup Weekend.  It’s mostly been good, despite a lot of fighting with buggy software and even some hardware. Thanks to Insinkerator’s Disposer Doctor, though, I was able to unclog the disposal — I felt like such a guy!
The next several weekends will be pretty crazy, so this seems like a good time to step back. Almost halfway through the year, how am I doing? Pretty well, I think — although of course there’s certainly room for improvement.
Looking at my New Year’s resolutions, I’m doing well on almost all of them. Have more art, beauty, and fun in our lives? Check. Listen to new music? Check. Hang out more with friends? Check. And the list goes on. I’m even making progress on “get more sleep, work out, meditate regularly, and do the other things i know i should be doing to reduce stress” — and conveniently enough, thanks to qweries next prototype I’ve met some amazing women who have mad skills at helping people make these kinds of lifestyle changes.  So with any luck at all, progress will really accelerate over the rest of the year.
And at the risk of sounding like a mid-year review, I’ve also made great progress on three of my five goals: qweries, family, and activism. is harder to calibrate; I’m really happy with the re-outlining I’m doing, but it’s taken a lot longer than expected and I’m not sure how much time I’ll have during the second half of the year for revising it.  We shall see. Still, I’m very pleased with where I am overall; and once again, looking forward to things accelerating — especially with qweries, where co-founders and partners will be a big help.
All in all it’s been a great first half of the year, plenty of wonderful time (although never enough) with my closest friends, and the 25th anniversary of our first date. Oooh! So I’m in a great mood, and am looking forward to turning my mind off and enjoying the weekend. This afternoon, I’ll go for a walk and enjoy the sun. And then tonight at the Atrium, getting into the music, and falling through the limitations of intelligence into pure and simple creativity.
Who knows what DJ Anomaly will be up to but I’m sure it’ll be amazing.  To commemorate it I’m working on some new poems, remixes, and a collection, tentatively titled The anomaly at the atrium. Stay tuned for more!
jon | 05-Jun-11 at 12:30 pm | Permalink
What is blue?
The invisible becoming visible
Freedom from dimensions
Transparency and transformation
Unlimited possibilities
DJ Anomaly’s set was amazing, like great nights at (((thump))), bringing back all kinds of memories of the past. Space Tribe, Astral Project, X Dream, 1200 Mics … hey man, is this a dream? The density on the dance floor was perfect, there was a chill room with comfy couches and pillows, and everybody looked good under the light. I danced for a while with a really cute woman with blue hair, a blue dress, and matching fishnets, who I’m pretty sure was flirting with me. Oooh!
Let’s make our own happiness
Truths are everywhere if you look hard enough.
You just need the right lenses
To help you discover pieces of truth.
And when things click, bing! Illumination!
Since there’s truth in everything
You can search for truth anywhere,
In the bright sunshine And under black lights
Sometimes when I’m dancing.
It’s like I’m in a movie.
We’re making our own movies.
We’re making our own happiness
Alas, none of our Seattle friends made it out to see DJ Anomaly this time. Their loss — it was a show for the ages! With any luck though she’ll be doing some more gigs at the Atrium over the summer. And with any luck at all I might even run into that woman in the blue fishnets again!
Deviating from the norm or from expectations,
Strange and difficult to identify or classify,
Difficult to explain using existing theory.
Many theories, societies, and people
Have a hard time dealing with anomalies,
Preferring those who fit existing norms or expectations
Others (like me!) find anomalies fascinating
Transcending the limits of current theories
What’s that anomaly up to?
Liminal states :: Notes from Underground: The Union of Bliss and Emptiness | 10-Jul-11 at 6:23 pm | Permalink
[…] lot’s happened since Anomalous: Seattle Startup Weekend, a friend’s wedding, Pink Saturday and Pride in San Francisco (with […]